Creative Direction, Design, Branding, Packaging Design


Typographic Tarot is a modern take on iconic and traditional Tarot cards that is mainly based on illustration and images. The art of Typography can also hold a lot of symbolism and meaning, so we are introducing a new visual form of Tarot Card Readings. Pick up a Deck today and begin your insightful journey to yourself and your spirit.

To see extended motion work on this project please check out my Typographic Tarot promotion video.


The direction that the card face can give you different meanings so it was important for the Logo to be reversible so that the users can’t see which sides the cards are placed.

Main Fonts

The main fonts coincides with the specific fonts used to differentiate each types of card. It’s purpose is to unify.

56 Cards are categorized as Wands, Swords, Cups, and Pentacles for each section of life and thy are numbered Ace, King, Queen, Knight, Knave, Ten-Two, Ace

Minor Arcana

These 22 cards represent situations we all face in the grand scheme of life, with specific messages of perspective and guidance to help you in times of need.

Major Arcana


An accordion-style guide is provided to the deck so that people who are unfamiliar with Tarot cards can understand its meaning. The front side has the Minor Arcana and the the Backside has the Major Arcana

Product Photo




Vices & Virtues Magazine